Our Musical Director

Jonathan Palmer

Jonathan Palmer is a versatile musician; not only is he a composer and conductor, he also plays cello, double bass and piano. Over the years, he has conducted numerous choirs and choral societies in Hythe, Southampton, Wincanton, Bruton, Clifton, Portishead and more recently Congresbury. His choice of repertoire is usually varied. Being equally at home with lighter, popular repertoire, he enjoys the challenge of devising imagination programmes for concerts, and tries to combine sacred and secular, familiar and the less-known, old and new.

Having been a Choral Director for ‘Choirs at Sea’, he is now a specialist music lecturer on cruise ships. In August, he visited Bergen in Norway delivering two lectures: “Edvard Grieg: a portrait of Norway’s greatest composer”, and “The enduring appeal of ABBA”.

He is a founder member of ‘The Newland Ensemble’, a flexible group of instumentalists and one that is gradually evolving. At present, it includes eight players, and has sub-divisions, eg: ‘Celli Amici’. In his spare time he enjoys maintaining his classic cars, instrument restorations, cooking and travelling.

To contact Jonathan please see our Contact page